Discover the Essence:
Our Story at Randomry
Welcome to Randomry, where the art of spontaneous expression finds its home. Dive into the unpredictable beauty of verse as we share the inspiration, passion, and stories that fuel our poetic journey. Join us in exploring the boundless realms of creativity, one random line at a time.
About us
Whilst variably and invariably regarded as the best form of human expression, poetry is not an easy endeavour.
Even to those particularly blessed by the muse or those simply amused by its unhindered flow, poetry can be arduous work.
Not necessarily a task by itself, but various aspects of poetry are met with hurdles at various stages.
Once an idea enters a poet's mind and has made its way to being expressed on a piece of paper, the journey of a poem has only begun.
With many twists and turns, right from defining and deconstructing what is and what is not a poem, to contentious aspects of context and meaning, the river of verse may take ages to reach the sea of readership.
The path from poet to reader is oftentimes so ardous, most poets end up sating themselves with a rather small readership, often patient friends and helpless family.
A small circle of like-minded might even go as far as meeting a few times in poetry clubs to share their work with varying levels of critique, appraisal or even indifference.
Most such poetry groups are a privilege of large cities and not accessible to all dabbling in poetry.
The eventuality of all this makes for a sad fact- poetry is mostly read by poets only.
Unlike other forms of art (and literature), the audience for poetry has shrunk to those practising the art-form themselves, which needless to say is not a sustainable plan for the art itself.
Statistics show a steady decline in readership of poetry over the past decades. While reasons for this could vary from a general decline in reading habits to a growing reluctance prevalent (as well as incident) toward poetry. Over the past few decades, poetry might have garnered the libel of being "less of an art and more of an agenda".
The idea behind Randomry is to have a place where "Poetry is for poetry's sake".