My part of the space
my domain
my dominion
of the limitless
I can carry it where I wish
without encumbering my neck
Or wish it away in a blink
without ever losing it
I can frame it
with windows of wood and concrete
Or let it loose without fearing
spilling or pillage
Adorn it with clouds sometimes,
with or without sliver of silver
And with a sun, a moon
and galaxies beyond count
My only true legacy
that will leave me
to my life grounded,
I can share it with the rest
birds, insects, even humans
Without risking reducing it
or stepping on ambitions of any
It gives meaning to wings
and premise to the orbits
of stars and planets
Sometimes out there
hung out to be the firmament
Oftentimes just with
and within me
My sky.
Private. Limitless.