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Updated: Feb 22, 2024

The absurdity of staying awake

all night

when dreams have long given up

on your days

Unheaved slumber eager to engulf

remnants of the rainbow

arching past the horizons

of pragamatism mundane

A puddle refusing to give way

to the sea

lost in the tempest

of the eyes inundated

The helplessness of drawing breath

when life has long

given up

on the next moment

A day cast past the last

as yet another plods along

without a whisper

of the footsteps careless

A sojourn trudged

blindfolded on intent,

Rid of destination

before it even started 

Lest one sees the stranger

in the face

staring off the mirror

hung on the walls of the days

Dates and days,

months and weeks,

year after year

will continue to wear

the guise of significance

So long as it stays

relevant and chic

to question

the meaning of life

as one sips


with gingerbread

for the evening tea

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