Where does it begin,
where does it end?
Does one set out to write it
or it chooses to flow itself
through sheer abandon
of guilt and shame?
Accommodative at times,
the all encompassing mother of art
At times restrictive
a miser bean-counter keeping account
of every word, each punctuation.
Giving-in to impulses, indulgent
ravenous glutton of ideas
At other times, just shirking away
with hints at meaning
and context obscure
even to the so called poet.
The title may have nothing to do
with what follows
No fear or pretention of coming across
as 'entitled' there
You could end it
after a line or two
or two too many
that have crawled past the bend of comprehension
and need
The order of prose is the tantrum of a verse
You may choose the former
but the latter has to choose you
if you're lucky enough
Lucky enough
to wait out
to end up being
a poet,
good or otherwise
not that it matters
at least to the poem
once it is done doing
abandon is her religion.