As much the rich
as will the poor
As much the skeptic
as the devout will
Regardless of the youth
or the age creeping up
Regardless of the vices adored
or the virtues feared
Those who pray
and those who'll never
Those who believe
and the agnostics as well
All the nasty ones
and all those nice on purpose
Each and every
without an exception will suffer
At the hands of the time,
indifferent to the core.
Cruel, unceasing,
going on timeless
Ambivalent to the tirade
of its wheels
From dawn to dusk,
from morn to eve
From death to birth,
many more to come
Unasked, undeserved,
not one is spared
the lashings of the whip
the time wields
Except the ones who ride
the wheels of time unrealised
Without getting crushed
underneath it
Having become available
to the timelessness that love is.
An elixir of youth and eternity,
The Panacea to all that ails humanity.