Thinking of starting Blake soon, as Wislawa is coming to an end. 😓
 While Emily still evades me
As Whitman stays happily aloof
Hoping to get into the skin of Blake to get over the moulting of Wislawa who has been my companion for much of this year
Poetry is easy to read. It's very free to interpret and flexible to schedule in one's routine. No plot, no line of story. Just pick and start and leave as you wish. Sort of like a friend you can call in any time without being hesitant to be misunderstood
 For there is nothing to be understood. It's just a rudder to take you where you wish to go or sometimes don't
An unchartered sojourn into the realms unexplored
Just float as if a feather airborne
 Becoming just as light the reader as the verse that gives him wings