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Updated: Feb 22, 2024

I'd have taken them

for the most indifferent

Hovering over and taking in

everything or just about

Sentries of the firmament

patrolling day and night

In cloaks and colours 

as varied

As their shapes and guises 

that make us make up

Things that don't exist

outside of our roofed skies

And the unmatched cheek 

to conceal the mighty star

The only among the countless

that cares for life

on this planet nondescript

Cheerless, overcast, clouded bleak 

plastering days with glum greyish

Partying all night noisy, 

thunder and lightning to whip 

Unbothered, apathetic to the plight 

of the crops almost ready to harvest, 

a flight caught in a storm electric,

plans for a long-delayed picnic.

They go on and on

hovering, teasing

playing hide and seek

with our moods and climes 

Keeping their distance

from all things earthy

Defying the laws of physics -

floating when heavy

Gravity has no say 

over their weight or whims

Keeping their distance

from all things mortal

Defying the laws of life and death-

rising from the seas to come alive

again and again

Eternity's their slave as if.

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