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Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Booking a flight can be fun

especially if you have time enough

to choose from the many options

you do not need

Extra legroom for those tiny legs

that are not put much to work

thanks to the technology

that's making moving

obsolete and superfluous

Extra kilos to add to the allowance

with a hope to unburden

the weary shoulders

of emotions that you were

too busy to feel or express

The meals on board

that look delicious and tempting

until served

Or the choice of seats

at just few dollars more

And mind you, you can have

the whole trip insured

against the uncertainties that make

life worth life or living

turning the days into

insured and assured humdrum

No room for flight of fancy there

And finally you can round it all up

with the altruistic fervour

adding a small sum

to the cause of your causing

or something entirely unheard

Paying off your carbon footprints

is very popular these days

I've heard

Talk of leaving footprints in the air

wiping off smiles from the face of earth

If only we were more grounded as a race

that has ravaged the planet indiscriminate

to need a tax on our breath

How far are you going to get away

flying up in the made-up skies

away from the guilt of destroying

the home to too many

you'll ever know or care

Mars is next in line

... the conquest continues unchecked

In the quest to con the nature

Mars is next...

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