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Costly affair


Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Those who lived it

are either too reluctant

to talk about it

or are left to

skepticism and disbelief

Either out of reluctance

to live it again

Or sheer fatigue to

talk about it

Incredulous and harrowing

as the experience may have been

Light and trivial it can turn

over a cup of tea and a biscuit

dipped just right

And then comes a time

'now or eventually'

when someone can't hold

the urge to crack a joke silly

or opine an advice with solemn air

on something that got over

half a century before

they were even conceived

Once a horrid reality

now reduced to three pages

in a textbook of history

Names and places mostly outdated

by latest/ gripe-y/ griped fashion trends

The reasons to know it

or to care to pretend to care about it

reduced to an essay for HSC

or a doctorate to complete

A war reduced to mockery

through sufferings trivialised

and subjected to objective disbelief

History reduced to story

in under a generation

of having lived it

Human memory has no room

for learning from other's experiences

however profound, however harrowing

And there is your reason

why history finds a way

to repeat itself

over and again

The real price of war

is in forgetting it.

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