That first line need appear
running, dawdling
or sprawled carefree across the page
sunbathing as if
on a deserted beach
Rest will follow
one after another
sometimes one too many
as if on a whim
or just to let the one prior
not feel lonely
The deserted soon turns
crowded, stifling
Meaning left to look for cover
under a dune
or a sandcastle make-believe
Waves rush in
to wash away the foamy excess
of reason and rhyme
leaving behind a trail
of verses unsure, slippery
At once calm
tempestuous at times
at once desolate
tumultuous to no end
The ocean of creativity
will grace you with the best
when you're out
walking by her side
wooing her presence
having left (at/ back) home
the dogged pursuit
from which the poem
shies away