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Dreaming the reality


Updated: Feb 22, 2024

Not batting a lid

if I deserved that day or

this moment-

The job of reality is

only to serve

the fiction that's been stewing,

slow and sure

At times it prepares me

for what's in the offing

Oftentimes I'm on the stage

without even knowing

or having had time

to rehearse life

And yet,

'I'm the master of my destiny'

an illusion repetitive

the reality keeps playing

unto the vulnerable me-

Only a ploy to keep me cogged

to the wheels of reality

without an escape

or a goat to scape

Falling from mountains

or from peaks of grace

Would still have me come awake

sound and safe,

a little sweaty may be

but still in my bed-

That's the compassion of dreams

the reality couldn't care less

to bother with

or ever exhibit 

Waking up in a dream

within a dream, alas,

won't get me any further

from the reality waiting

The plight of the helpless me

who hasn't much in the way of

outwitting the reality

except may be

once in a while

right under the nose of reality

escape to the twilight of


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