Waxing and waning
chasing the waves
Ebbing the tidings
within the freedom of ignorance
and fetters of knowing
Eclipsed at times
at times shining
Rising and setting
in skies varied
each night of the fourteen
The moon of my seeking
staring down at me
from behind the clouds
of confusion, teasing
mocking my chagrin
May not be as indispensable
to any life, including mine
as the self-assured Sun is
resolute about rising
and saving the world
a day at a time
But can surely make
the mighty seas leap to the skies
And bring to life
the thirst within me
that no nectar can quench
Not of any intent well-thought
or a purpose finalized
Like the full moon
that reflects my desires
off the face of the sea
My seeking to me
is simply a way of being
drunk on life.