Not the shower
Never brushing
Breakfast at times will
Not the walk
Never the meal
None of the important things
Washing, ironing,
cooking, cleaning
dawdling unto nothing
Only the dispensable,
just the expendable,
things I could do just as well
without or with
When running late,
late to work,
late to leisure
It is (only) the writing
and only that
gets rushed, delayed, hurried
unattended, undone
cancelled altogether
After all it doesn't add
in any way (or which)
to my appearance
or my day
just takes me away
from the mundane, inane
and from myself
That I may otherwise
end up mistaking
for life (or living)
Monday will be just as much Monday
Any other day just as much it
and I as much I always will be
at least from the outside
unseeing the void
I drag through the day