Move over wars, famines
Give way heartaches, longings
Clear the clutter, oh, returning memories
Stand aside diet, exercise
Stay on hold for some more while
oh, dreams eclectic and efforts short-falling
Today is a day for just ordinary
Ordinary joys,
not needing celebrating achievements puny
Ordinary pains,
no aches of the unwounded
Ordinary sorrows
not blues rivalling the sky
Ordinary gains
not accomplishments staggering
Ordinary disappointments
no heartbreaks poetic
Today is a day to feel and do
all things just ordinary
Caressing the plants,
exchanging a few stories leafy,
roiling in the greens with a puppy,
babbling with a toddler silly
A walk unpaced, run-of-the-mill
a coffee just black, cut-and-dried
An easy-chair, commonplace
a book prosaic, far off the must-read list
Removed from things iconic, legendary
A day extra, extra ordinary
Today is a day
to be just as ordinary as only ordinary can be
Completely ordinary, ordinarily complete.
Without giving in to the pangs of mediocrity
often sneaking in the guise of special and rare.