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Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Not blind but sure blinding

blotting out everything

or just about

coming in the way of

its reason or tirade

Once locked onto an object -

a nation, a race,

a religion, a face

It can't unsee even the tiniest

of their follies

real or imagined

Most of all-

what it leaves in its wake

is least suspected of it

For it leaves the bearer

worse off than its target

What else could you expect

from an arrow as powerful and precise

and an archer as lousy

as the one wielding it?

How could it leave the hands that

hold and wield it

unsinged (of its flames)?

A trail of its soot leads

to its smouldering roots

again and again,

past generations, past states

ready to flower into a fire full-fledged

at moment's notice

Quite a few brethren and

quite few kin

it has to feed

- anger, disgust, irrationality

are just its usual favourite

The worst of its powers however

gets oft overlooked-

few things are there as addictive

as a breath inspired in hate

Few can resist its inebriating kick

and not look for ways

to seek more

with or without a reason

to indulge in this

opium of the weak

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