Neither your actions
nor your speech
I am after your
meaning and motive
Smile you may carry
plastered across lips
Fuming yet within,
anger smouldering
Embers of envy, pride
and jealousy you treasure
Unrealised the warmth they afford
is by incensing your soul
Neither your words
nor your gestures
I am after your
intent and purpose
Hide as you may from each,
always or at times
Yet clear to me
as the sky on a spring-eve
Every thought, each of your schemes
clinks at my till
That's why they say
you can't escape me
I am the one
who makes and unmakes
the kings, the kingdoms
and the coin in every coffer
The power biggest
to have your days, your fate
at the mercy of your chisel
to sculpt as you wish your life
I am not the mighty one
but thee
Unrealised who shudders
even at my name
I am just there to see
nothing is missed
I am thy making
and in turn get to make thee
Karma is why
they call me.