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Man's best friend


Updated: Feb 21, 2024

The envy of the pack

the beasts that still roam about the thicket

Fearing being hunted for food or pleasures plain

by the beast most feral of them all

prancing on two legs

The tables have long turned

The claws, the snouts and the trotters

that once made our ancestors shudder

and retreat to their puny caves

Are now mere delicacies adorning our plates,

roasted and peppered

Or hung in deep freezers

awaiting their final place, un-funereal.

Even the names of them most

mean to us only provision or viands at best

The chicken, the fish or the many that are

just hordes of meat

Yet this distaff cousin of foxes and grey-wolves

has managed to sneak into our bedrooms

Sauntering past our plates

appealing to a different taste

Evoking in our hearts a compassion undying

The kind the others on the planet,

even the plants and fellow-humans, have missed

Who says a match made out of convenience

cannot transcend the purpose, the premise

and become

love unconditional, peerless?

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