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Updated: Feb 27, 2024

No nook of galaxy,

no day of the week,

not even a flower named after it

No fleet of planets orbiting it,

not even making the pass-marks

to be a planet

It swoons happily

around the earth

being her lone satellite

No horizons to rise or set,

Lost in the morning- mist

stealthily it retreats

Unsure of own shape each night,

round, oval or a sliver of crescent,

shining on borrowed light 

Not appears to sustain any life direct

Makes the seas yet

tide and ebb at mere sight

Oeuvre of artists and lover's rendings

owe to the moon more than

any verse or painting could ever tell

A longing suspended in firmament,

a flower without petals

blossoming each night

A fragrance of yearning

filling the hearts of those

not giving in to the pangs of sleep


Only for those moony enough

to smell the night

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