End of a search, a wandering long and winding
through the edgeless expanse of space and time
Beginning of a sojourn, uncertain yet finite
An abode of grace, a womb all-encompassing
in the boundless barrenness of the cosmos, dry and unyielding
The one and perhaps the only
who can love
Without a glimpse or even a first sight
for over nine months
And yet bear the uncertainty
with a cheer unfading
An inclusion that leaves her choiceless,
from before the beginning
Walking by your side and within you unrealised,
through all the fires and walls unforgiving
Living your falls and suffering your failings,
more than you yourself ever will
Celebrating your triumphs and the puniest of achievings,
from volumes of opus to blabber devoid of meaning
A shoulder always waiting and a lap ever-willing
to caress your wounds and shattered dreams
Without a judgement, a prejudice or even a sigh helpless
Left without a choice, an acceptance absolute
Not even your vices or sins have a say over her
including you as part of herself
For, being a mother is to scatter the breath, the bliss and the very being
Among the ones that carry her with and within,
without realising or caring any less
An inclusion par eternity, defying all logic
Beyond the ken of verses or the clout of a poet
A song that is the mother of all creativity,
crooning within thee beyond her being
To her you will always be the one she owes
the debt of being a genetrix
For bringing you from the realms of eternity to the reality of un-eternity
To live, to breathe, to suffer and unbecome at once
A human striving to claim the lost divinity