In the endless emptiness knowing no bounds or beginning
Searching for the signs amid constellations and comets
In the twinkling of stars and eclipsed shine
filling the firmament
No omens to be found
In the ebbing and tiding of the seas
at the whims of the moon changing each night
In the creases of the palm
and wrinkles crowding forehead
Nowhere were to be seen or heard
The stealthy steps the fate entered the world
No knock on the doors of future or present
Only the past left to learn
All the signs of genocide
all the omens of war
Not in the distant stars or seas nonchalant
But in the heads and hands
of those given the charge of their lives
Perhaps undeserving
perhaps precocious
Weren't we better off otherwise/ still
Roaming the woods
Hunting and gathering
Inept and incapable of harming
more than just ourselves
Leaving not even the planet,
whose fate no stars could foretell,