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The point of it all

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

The , the trees,

the meadows, the mountains

and the nameless pebbles

meditating at the bottom of sea

Standing witness tall in praise

or plateaued in indifference

to the many trials and travails

All the defeats and triumphs

the puny beings plundering the planet

have gone through

over the pages of history

All the great achievements

all the applauds making it to (claim)

a spot in the folds of history

All the scars and craters

left on the face of the planet

not even the moon left to spare

Will fit into a tiny mole

under the toe of the time

spread out beyond the reaches

of imagination or memory

All that you've known

from past to posterity

stretching all the way past

the blue-green algae

beyond the horizons of evolution

slow and unsure

(Alas,) Not more that a yawn

on the face of eternity

Graced with an existence

too tiny to be missed

Yet you find your plate (and mind)

full of reasons

to miss the whole and the only point-

Too brief a happening life is

for anything that ain't bliss

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