Aim between the eyes
the bullet should not miss
You don't have to know the name
the face answers to calling
Nor see the dreams the eyes once held
Not even a fellow-being he anymore is
Just a target on the other side of the fence
This is war, remember?
where all is fair.
The land they raised hopes on
upon which were their children to play
Is now just an acquisition for us
to add to our country's name and shape
What lives are you talking about we destroyed?
This is war, remember?
where all is fair.
There once was a school
Lessons taught about humans being
the most evolved of beasts, the most sapient.
Good that we put a hole gaping through its roof.
There is no place for lies in the realm of science.
This is war, remember?
where all is fair.
Our stomachs are filled beyond the brims
and so are our oil-wells
Our economy is among the best
We even have something called human-rights
An anomaly enough to right the wrongs we effect
in the battlefields far from home.
This is war, remember?
where all is fair.
We are not hunting for food
Not even killing to defend any pride
We might have though,
a point or two to make
which the language of humanity was
too inept to translate
This is war, remember?
where all is fair.
Not some poem which you scrawl
on some pages crumpled
to recite among a reticent few
We are here to write history
with the scars and craters
left in the face of earth
For generations, willing or otherwise,
to read, remember and shudder in fear
This is war, remember?
where all is fair.
An answer to all questions
without having the courage to care
This is war, here, all is fair.