If words could see
what they are put through
for the sake of meaning
what the heart can't beat
or the brain can't mind
Stretched to the limits of alphabet,
beaten, twisted, fractured for conjecture
Placed and spaced to conform or conflict
the convention of language
Squeezed amid punctuations,
an exclamation one too many
Spelled wrong on purpose
emboldened, italicised for effect,
made to wear fonts unasked.
Left at times to surmise
at the end or beginning of a sentence
to add to the purpose or poise
of a long-drawn conclusion
Just an ensemble of letters,
alphabets lent identities
by the conspiracy of communication
that still remains inept in tackling the prowess
that misunderstanding wields over the minds
What else could the strange shapes
and sounds to name them
possibly mean to someone
taken by aphasia
or given to pangs of matrimony/ tyranny?