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Will you?

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Wars, romance, agonies, devotion,

metaphors, allegories and fables fervent

Trying to traverse the conundrum

vying for words

From Homer to Horace

and Virgil to Ovid

From Kalidas to Dante

and Tukaram to Shakespeare

Wislawas few and Emilys rare

And the nameless sundry that continue

to pour themselves

through words and verses

Trying to string the bow

aiming to at once pierce

The enigma of human predicament:

Girted by beauty and bliss unrivalled

needing no words or verse to unravel

A song that's here for each to hum

be it a bard or a commoner

Yet managing to brood and bury oneself

in the glum of proportions unsaid

Remaining untouched, deeply entrenched

within each heave, every bosom

The unending stores of reasons

to stay glum as humans

Just look up, over the horizons of your ears

The world is waiting

A poem peerless writing itself

each moment

A song singular crooning itself

each breath

To read the poem ineffable

that will continue to defy all words and verse

and will ever remain unwritten, unsung, unheard.

Will you be there?

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