Find a cave
rub flints together
Invent a wheel
light a fire
Signs, symbols, sounds inept
conspiracy of language
Dwell in misunderstandings
let prejudice always predict and win
Build societies, codes of civics,
nations as many as you wish
Leave not even the craters of moon
spared of flags and boundaries
From first to the last
or just one in the middle
Own, decide or heave
a breath of your doing or will
Then and then only
would you
know the realm
and true extent
of the one
that prevails every moment,
reigns beyond boundaries man-made
of race, religion, region or nationalities
One that leaves all
filled with
and rid of
All the meaning
All at once
by its sheer
and assured
Omnipresent absence
The one and the only
that makes equality equal
and lasting as well
The only place where
each gets to be
Happily ever after
The fiction of death.
Where else?